Sept 16-22
The trip back from New Hampshire was a long one. We were up at 4:45 am on Sunday to leave Cannon Beach and head back to Manchester. From there we picked up Terry's truck, and made the drive back home.
While I wore my compression socks for the drive home, I didn't get changed into my tights (which I had left in Terry's truck for the race) for any of the drive. That was a mistake. I expected to be sore after the race, but my quads and hamstrings were in really rough shape. 20 mile and 40 hours in a car will do that for you.
I had planned Sunday off, but wanted to get something decent in on Monday. Unfortunately, I woke up Monday morning with a wicked cold. I was still pretty sore, so I figured I would push off my run another day, and get back into it Tuesday. I was underestimating how nasty this cold was.
Basically, I would get up in the morning, feel okay, decide "if I feel alright in a couple of hours, I'll run." A couple of hours would go by, and I would feel exhausted. Priority came down to running, or getting well. I thought with a couple of good nights sleep, I would feel better, but that didn't happen, either. Wednesday and Thursday were both a wash, with me heading home early from the store on Thursday. Friday was the first day that I actually felt okay for most of the day. I flip flopped on running. I knew I wasn't going to get anything in on the weekend, as those are my usual days off, and I had a few things going on. I skipped Friday's run, giving myself a full 8 days off of running, and hoping that I would be 100% come Monday.
I'm not happy about missing a full week of running. For post race soreness, ect, I felt good to run on Tuesday, and was close to 100% byThursday. I think running through that would have probably helped me get out the soreness, and kept me riding the confidence gained at the race. With the cold, I had to make a choice; run and risk being sick for a few weeks, or rest and get better faster. Right now, I'd rather sacrifice a few days of training to be 100%. I'm going to change my training schedule a little bit in the next few weeks due to the layoff, but nothing was set in stone from here on in. I'll ease into running next week, and get in a good long run late in the week, aim for one more on Monday, before cutting back into taper mode.
Weekly total: 0 runs, 0km
The cold was your body's way of telling you to back off and get some rest ;)